Invasive Treatments

When sleep disorders persist despite non-invasive interventions, surgical solutions such as invasive treatments can be a game-changer. These procedures can work cohesively with non-invasive interventions which including the innovative CAUP Coblation Snoring Surgery, strategically alter or remove tissue hindrances to optimize airflow.

Invasive Treatments

Invasive treatments take additional measures to restore your sleep.

Invasive treatments represent powerful solutions for sleep-related disorders when non-invasive methods fall short. At times, when used in conjunction with non-invasive treatments, these methods typically involve surgical procedures designed to improve airflow, such as a tonsillectomy, or the CAUP Coblation Snoring Surgery. By precisely removing or reshaping tissues obstructing the airway, these procedures significantly reduce or even eliminate symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing, such as snoring. Ideal for individuals for whom less invasive treatments have proven ineffective, these therapies can greatly enhance sleep quality, resulting in improved overall health and well-being. Whether you’re grappling with persistent sleep disturbances or severe snoring, invasive treatments can provide the relief you’re seeking, paving the way to better nights and brighter days.

Why Aria Sleep Centre?

Benefits of Invasive Treatments

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By addressing sleep disorders and improving your sleep schedule, many people experience significantly improved cognitive function. Experience enhanced focus, concentration, and mental clarity throughout your day.

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Say goodbye to daytime fatigue and sluggishness. Our main goal at our sleep clinic is to help boost your energy levels, allowing you to stay active and productive throughout the day.

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Proper sleep is closely linked to emotional well-being. With the appropriate diagnosis and treatment, you can experience a reduction in irritability, mood swings, and feelings of anxiety or depression.

Our Services

How it works

Choosing the Right Treatment for
Your Sleep Problems

Find out if our invasive or non-invasive treatments are right for you to cure your sleep problems.



This initial stage involves a comprehensive discussion with our sleep specialists about your sleep-related issues. We delve into your medical history, current sleep challenges, and how these impact your daily life. Our goal is to fully understand your specific needs and concerns to help us create a tailored approach to your treatment, which generally will start with a Home Sleep Apnea Test.


Personalized Treatment Plan

Upon understanding your needs and conditions, we develop a personalized treatment plan just for you. This plan is designed based on the results of your initial consultation, focusing on strategies that can effectively address your specific sleep disorder and improve your overall sleep quality.


Strategies Implementation

Once the treatment plan is established, we move forward to the implementation stage. This involves putting the recommended strategies and treatments into action. Whether it’s the use of specific devices or lifestyle modifications, this phase focuses on the practical application of your personalized plan.


Continued Support

After the implementation of your treatment plan, our commitment to your wellbeing continues. We provide ongoing support, monitoring your progress, making necessary adjustments, and addressing any concerns you may have. This ongoing commitment ensures you receive the highest standard of care as you journey towards better sleep and improved health.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Read answers to commonly asked questions we get at our sleep clinic

To provide you with clarity and transparency, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to address any concerns you may have.

Sleep-Related Hypoventilation Syndrome (SRHS) is treated through a multifaceted approach aimed at improving breathing efficiency and maintaining optimal oxygen and carbon dioxide levels during sleep. The treatment options can vary, though working with your primary care physician we can recommend various treatment modalities such as positive airway pressure therapy (PAP). This could include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), which deliver a controlled stream of air through a mask to keep the airways open and enhance ventilation. Additionally your primary care physician may prescribe supplemental oxygen to address low oxygen levels in the blood. For individuals with obesity-related hypoventilation, weight management strategies, including dietary adjustments and increased physical activity, play a pivotal role in improving respiratory function. Medication management may be considered to address underlying conditions contributing to hypoventilation, such as treating chronic lung diseases or neuromuscular disorders. Adopting healthy sleep habits and undergoing regular follow-up assessments by a sleep specialist are essential components of the treatment plan, allowing for ongoing monitoring of treatment efficacy and necessary adjustments. This comprehensive and tailored approach aims to alleviate symptoms, optimize respiratory function, and reduce the risk of potential complications associated with sleep-related hypoventilation.

Sleep-Related Hypoxemia Disorder could present with a variety of symptoms, including excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, morning headaches, and irritability. Individuals might also experience fragmented sleep due to frequent arousals triggered by low oxygen levels. Over time, untreated sleep-related hypoxemia could contribute to cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, and even impair cognitive function. What the term Sleep-Related Hypoxemia entails is low levels of oxygenation found in the blood due to sleep related disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea. The term is used loosely to depict blood oxygen level changes related to sleep conditions.

Sleep-Related Hypoxemia Disorder could present with a variety of symptoms, including excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, morning headaches, and irritability. Individuals might also experience fragmented sleep due to frequent arousals triggered by low oxygen levels. Over time, untreated sleep-related hypoxemia could contribute to cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, and even impair cognitive function. It’s important to remember that this description is speculative and intended for conceptual understanding rather than reflecting established medical terminology.
As a note of caution, the term “Sleep-Related Hypoxemia Disorder” might not accurately represent a recognized medical condition, and the information provided is based on a hypothetical scenario. For accurate and up-to-date information, individuals should consult healthcare professionals or authoritative sources.

Sleep-Related Hypoxemia Disorder is a theoretical concept used to describe a condition where individuals experience chronically low levels of oxygen in their blood during sleep. Sleep-Related Hypoxemia Disorder involves a disruption in the body’s ability to maintain adequate oxygen levels while asleep. During normal sleep, breathing patterns can change, and in some cases, this alteration can result in reduced oxygen saturation in the blood. Sleep-Related Hypoxemia Disorder could signify an extreme or persistent form of this phenomenon, where oxygen levels consistently drop to levels below what is considered healthy during sleep cycles.

The potential consequences of such a disorder might include a range of symptoms and health implications. Reduced oxygen levels during sleep could lead to disrupted sleep patterns, as the body may partially awaken to restore normal oxygen saturation. This sleep fragmentation can contribute to excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, and mood disturbances. Additionally, chronic low oxygen levels could strain the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of hypertension, heart disease, and other related complications over time.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a type of sleep-related breathing disorder characterized by interruptions in breathing during sleep due to a failure of the brain to send appropriate signals to the muscles responsible for respiration. Unlike obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), where the airway becomes blocked or narrowed, CSA originates from a problem in the central nervous system’s respiratory control centers. This results in a lack of effort to breathe rather than physical obstruction. As a result, the individual experiences pauses in breathing, or apneas, which can lead to oxygen desaturation and sleep disturbances. CSA can occur in various forms. One common form is Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR), often associated with congestive heart failure. In CSR, breathing gradually waxes and wanes in a rhythmic pattern, leading to periodic central apneas. Another form is idiopathic CSA, where the cause is unknown and unrelated to other medical conditions. Complex sleep apnea syndrome, also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, involves a combination of obstructive and central apneas and can occur in individuals initially diagnosed with OSA who are undergoing continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. The distinction between CSA and other sleep-related breathing disorders lies in the underlying cause. While OSA is primarily caused by physical airway obstruction, CSA stems from a lack of proper signalling from the brain to control breathing. This fundamental difference drives the diagnostic and treatment approaches. CSA often requires specialized evaluation and treatment, as addressing the central nervous system’s dysfunction is essential to managing the condition effectively.

Untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can have significant health consequences that extend beyond sleep disturbances. The recurring disruptions in breathing during sleep contribute to a range of medical and physiological complications. One of the most concerning outcomes is the increased risk of cardiovascular problems. The repeated drops in blood oxygen levels and the strain on the cardiovascular system can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure), heart arrhythmias, and even an elevated risk of heart attack or stroke. Moreover, OSA has been linked to metabolic disturbances, including insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The disrupted sleep patterns associated with OSA can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate glucose metabolism, potentially exacerbating insulin resistance and increasing the likelihood of diabetes development. Untreated OSA also impacts cognitive function and daytime performance. Excessive daytime sleepiness resulting from poor sleep quality can impair concentration, memory, and decision-making skills. This not only affects daily activities but also poses a safety risk, particularly when driving or operating heavy machinery.

See why people love Aria Sleep Centre

I’ve had regular check-ins with Sharoon David one of the Registered Respiratory Therapists for about a year now and it’s always a great conversation. She is very thorough going through my sleeping patterns, ensuring nothing is causing me issues or discomfort, and is always a pleasure to talk to.

Amanda Nejat